Thursday, July 29, 2010

Dark July

Well my summer started off awesome in June. But a series of terrible events occurred in July for me affecting my life in many ways including my modeling. I apologize for the lack of updates due to all of this.

I have some schedule shoots coming up in August and September. However I will stress that starting September, I can no longer participate in TF shoots unless you travel to me or you provide wardrobe along with props as well as gas compensation. Gas compensation for any shoots is highly appreciated.
My monthly budget for shoots has completely shrunk down to almost nothing and therefore I cannot afford TF even if I wanted to. My rates are reasonable and I'm willing to negotiate. I'm truly sorry to those photographers who cannot themselves afford to pay models. Many of you are my friends and others I simply want to work with for their great talents. But unfortunately right now I'm in a tough spot in my life and I have to focus whats more important.

In the mean time, I will experiment with my own photography and hopefully have the funds to continue my other creative projects.

Life is a roller coaster and right now its all down hill.

la fin,


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